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Management Training
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About us

You can use our services to answer any or all of the following questions:-

  • How can I better align the organisation to the market?
  • How can I unblock the organisation and deal with some tricky HR type issues?
  • How can I improve managerial and staff performance?
  • How can I improve motivation in the organisation?

Each may require a range of answers. Some may be easy to answer; some may take some time. An initial discussion can give you an idea of the processes, resources and the timescales involved.

You can choose to answer one of the above questions, or several, and if you choose to use our services, you can rely on the fact that we offer reasonable fees and you do not have to pay the full fee unless we actually make a difference.

You can be sure that you can achieve a benefit. We can work out the likely improvement and we can check that it makes a profit on our joint costs.

You may need to know whether we are available to help you. You can only get our help if we are available. Below, in the form of a table, is a guide to our availability.

Where the table indicates Pre - contract discussions only, it means you can discover more about how we can help you but not actually make a start. Limited availability indicates you can make a start although you will have to book the time quickly as we can only help one extra client that month; Some availability and General availability means you have some time to make up your mind, but maybe not much! No availability means just that!

 Aug 2006 No availability
 Sep 2006 Limited availability
 Oct 2006 Limited availability